
Julia Bradbury, 51, announced she was diagnosed with breast cancer on 19 September last year.
The former Countryfile presenter had a mastectomy the following October.
A mother-of-three Julia has been courageous in sharing her journey through treatment with fans.
One passion the former Watchdog presenter has credited with helping her recovery is walking.
Julia, who has hosted a number of walking-themed programmes, said: “Honestly, walking and getting into the great outdoors has saved me, kept me sane, been my therapist, and continues to help my recovery in ways I can’t explain.”
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“It’s vital for mental health and we all need to move, to stay on top of our physical health.”
Walking has a huge benefit to health. It strengthens the heart, the bones, increases energy, and improves mental health while reducing body fat.
A study by American Cancer Society researchers found all levels of walking, from a hike to and brisk walk or even an able were associated with lower mortality risk.
Julia, who describes herself as an “outdoor evangelist” recently shared a walk she completed up Mam Tor with her fans.
She told her fans: “Had an emotional hike up Mam Tor today in the gorgeous Peak District.
“‘Mother Hill’ was as welcoming as blue skies are to Skylarks.”
Mam Tor, near Castleton in Derbyshire, England, is a 517m hill.
Julia conquered the mound with her daughter and her mother.
She wrote: “It’s the first time my Mamamou has been up there in more than 40 years. Three generations holding hands. There were tears.”
Julia, who recently paired up with Peter Storm, said: “I’m passionate about the outdoors and nature, which have been loyal companions throughout my life, and now I’m so happy to be sharing that passion with my own children.
“The physical and mental benefits of ‘getting outdoors’ are spoken about now more than ever.”
A camping expert recently detailed the best UK spots for staycations and camping near “beautiful walks”.
Beth Johnstone, also known as She is the Lost Girl, lives an unconventional life travelling in her caravan.
Source: | This article first appeared on Express.co.uk
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