Coronavirus Could Be Nearing ‘Peak Fitness’ Amid Delta Spread

No coronavirus variant spotted so far is more concerning than Delta, the strain first identified in…

Florida health officials to conduct audit after doses of coronavirus vaccine spoiled

Florida health officials announced on Wednesday that they are conducting an audit of the state’s handling…

Lockdown UK: Husband tells how wife, 54, took her own life when she lost her job amid coronavirus

A ‘sociable and bubbly’ woman killed herself after she was made redundant and struggled to cope…

Is it safe to go to the gym or an exercise class? Here’s the research we have on fitness centers and the coronavirus.

A man weight lifts in a mask at a reopened gym in Beijing. Fred Lee/Getty Images…

10 Annapolis Businesses Violate Coronavirus Policies, Mask Order

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD — The Anne Arundel County Department of Health recently upped its enforcement…

24 Hour Fitness files for bankruptcy, closes over 130 gyms amid coronavirus pandemic

24 Hour Fitness announced Monday the company is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after having to…