Jordyn Woods has been busy recently – not only is she the host of her own Instagram show Regular-ish, she even appeared on the US version of The Masked Singer, wowing the judges with her voice and announcing plans for a music career.
And that’s not all, because Jordyn’s also just launched a health and fitness app in conjunction with her own personal journey to feeling like her best version of herself.
The 23-year-old is known for being candid with her fans and now, she’s taken a moment to talk about the fitness journey she’s been on. Posting two images of herself to Instagram, one recent; the other from 2016, Jordyn has used the photos to highlight the importance of a measured, steady health and fitness regime.
“I look back and have to realise I came a long way and it didn’t happen overnight! I can’t even believe I’m posting this but this is really me and this is my journey. Hopefully this can inspire some of you,” she wrote.
Jordyn made clear that it’s important to strongly consider mental health in conjunction with physical lifestyle changes you’re making.
“It all started with a lot of mental and emotional work and the physical came with it. We all start somewhere,” Jordyn said.
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Speaking to users of her health and fitness app, Jordyn said she wants it to be a place where they can take a holistic approach to health and fitness.
“For me transformation was a gradual change from the inside out. I want you to experience all that FRSTPLACE represents in mind, body, and spirit,” she added.
As well as sharing health and wellbeing advice on Instagram, Jordyn’s FRSTPLACE website is full of tutorials giving fans an idea of how she keeps herself feeling good.
“These are the workouts I used to achieve my transformation,” she says on the site, along with exercise guides that can be done in the gym and at home.
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Back over on Instagram Stories, Jordyn’s explained how the challenges posted on her app and site are crucially about feeling good, which is a refreshing message in a world where there’s so much onus on physical appearance.
“It’s not about losing the most weight or having the flattest stomach, it’s about learning how to put your mind, body and spirit first and transforming that. Your mind controls everything and if you’re not mentally in the right place, it doesn’t matter how you look, because it’s about how you feel. It isn’t all about what you look like on the outside, it’s about how you feel on the inside,” she said.
Say it louder for the people at the back! We love Jordyn’s attitude to health and fitness and we’ll definitely be coming to her for more wellbeing inspiration as time goes on.
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