
It’s that time of year again — all those gym memberships purchased on January 1st have fallen into disuse. If you’re struggling with your routine or haven’t even started, there’s no need to despair. You can now get an entire lifetime of fitness from one of the world’s leading fitness experts to carry with you everywhere with the award-winning Jillian Michaels: The Fitness App.
Everyone knows that the exercise you like best is the one you stick with longest, so an app must provide a wide variety of workouts. The Jillian Michaels Fitness App offers over 800 video workouts, so you should be able to find enough that you like to keep motivated.
You’ll find everything from HIIT to targeted routines, and all levels are covered, from basic to advanced. You can also customize the app to suit your exact preferences. Simply exclude any exercises you don’t like from your routine, or switch the order you do them. Not only can you adjust the intensity of your workouts, but you can even transition time between the exercises. The app also lets you filter workouts by the equipment you prefer. The app lets you switch to audio-only workouts if you enjoy exercising outdoors. You can even play your own music from the app and use Beat Sync to adjust the tempo so it keeps pace with your training.
Of course, wellness is not only about exercise. Jillian recognizes that diet and mental health are equally important. So the app also features an Advanced Meal Planner System (AMP) and audio-only meditations.
The Jillian Michaels Fitness App is available for both iOS and Android and has impressive ratings on both platforms. Android users give it 4.5 stars out of 5, while iPhone owners rate it 4.7 out of 5 stars.
Now you can get fit in the way that suits you best, and it’s the perfect time to start. Jillian Michaels: The Fitness App (Lifetime Subscription) is normally $449, but new customers can currently get 66% off and pay just $149.
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