Santa Hat Brownie Bites – Mom to Mom Nutrition

Santa Hat Brownie Bites are the perfect Christmas-themed dessert. The taste of chocolate, strawberries, and frosting come together for a simple, festive treat! 

Santa Hat Brownie Bites are the perfect Christmas-themed dessert. The taste of chocolate, strawberries, and frosting come together for a simple, festive treat! 

Hello there my busy reader! I’m stopping by real quick to share a festive recipe that is simple enough for a classroom party or fancy enough for Christmas-themed gathering. You guessed it: Santa Hat Brownie Bites.

Santa Hat Brownie Bites are the perfect Christmas-themed dessert. The taste of chocolate, strawberries, and frosting come together for a simple, festive treat! 

Santa Hat Brownie Bites are the perfect Christmas-themed dessert. The taste of chocolate, strawberries, and frosting come together for a simple, festive treat! 

I made this recipe at school- as evidenced by the photo props. The cooking elective I co-teach has somehow turned into a baking elective that has me Google searching Christmas treats that take less than 40 minutes to make. Hey, I’m not complaining. Because as much as I love eating treats, I love semi-homemade versions that are simple enough for yours truly to bake. You can make these Santa Hat Brownie Bites as store-bought or homemade as you’d like. We made ours at school with boxed brownie mix, a buttercream frosting, and fresh berries. Other than fresh strawberries, the brownie and frosting part can be up to you! 

Santa Hat Brownie Bites are the perfect Christmas-themed dessert. The taste of chocolate, strawberries, and frosting come together for a simple, festive treat! 

Sprinkles? Add those too! Red or green frosting? Make your Santa Hat how you’d like! Next time I think I’d make the frosting thicker, and maybe make a batch piping around and atop the hat. 

Kidding. Just give me as much frosting as possible and my brownie bite is perfect! 

Santa Hat Brownie Bites are the perfect Christmas-themed dessert. The taste of chocolate, strawberries, and frosting come together for a simple, festive treat! 

PS. Mini Bites Brownies also make a Mrs. Claus version 😉 You know she’d approve of the pre-made brownie bites! 

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