Changes to your skin care regime post surgical rhinoplasty

Surgical Rhinoplasty

When you decide to get cosmetic surgery, you’re taking a big step toward bettering your skin’s appearance and health. It’s essential to take extra care of your skin in the days and weeks following cosmetic surgery, whether you’ve had a surgical rhinoplasty or a full-fledged facelift. 

After surgery, properly caring for your skin will help you recuperate and get the best long-term outcomes, so make sure you discuss cosmetic surgery recovery with your doctor or aesthetician before your treatment.

4 Vital Skin Care Rules For Post Surgery

  1. Take care of your skin: For the best outcome for healing, you need to be gentle with your skin and almost baby it. Take your time and make sure you’re utilising non-soap cleansers and fragrance-free moisturisers, which are moderate and hypoallergenic. It will help your skin to heal without discolouration.
  2. Use SPF: Take special precautions to shield yourself from the sun. Its best practice to avoid direct sunlight for the first couple of days after an operation. However, if you have to go out, use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or 40 – anything greater tends to clog pores.
  3. Time: Allow time for the wounds to heal. Do not pick at your peeling skin or scabs after your cosmetic surgery, no matter how tempted you are. It may become infected or scarred as a result.
  4. Hydration: Hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate some more. Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day can help renew your skin from the inside out and remove any toxins from your system, whether you’ve had a little treatment or a major surgery.

Using Makeup

If your skin is firm and no open wounds remain, you can start wearing makeup just a few days following your operation. It’s essential to wait until your epidermis (top layer of skin) has fully healed after severe chemical peels or ablative laser operations. 

After any cosmetic surgery, talk to your doctor about whether or not you should wear makeup, and when your doctor does allow you to use makeup, keep the following points in mind: 

Mineral cosmetic is the way to go. Many makeup companies now offer mineral-based products that are kinder on the face whilst still providing enough coverage. 

Green to counteract the red. A green foundation will help balance out those hues and give you a more natural-looking skin tone if you have red skin or purple bruises after your cosmetic surgery. To achieve the most significant effects, apply a powder that is one shade darker than your typical hue.

At night, wash it off. We can’t stress enough the importance of cleansing your skin regularly, especially during cosmetic surgery recovery. Make sure to remove your makeup with a non-soap cleanser every night.

Post-Rhinoplasty Care

Since your wounds need to heal and swelling needs to go down, taking care of your skin after cosmetic surgery is often more complicated than taking care of your skin after less invasive procedures. 

Regular use of ice or cold compresses, especially in the first three days following surgery, is recommended by specialists to reduce swelling. Sleeping with your head up over your heart can also help prevent nocturnal puffiness.

Even though your face will be hurting after cosmetic surgery, it’s critical to regularly clean your skin to aid healing and prevent pore blockage that might prolong healing time. To cleanse painful areas without exerting pressure, try washing with gentle astringent pads. After that, use a non-comedogenic, mild moisturiser.


When it comes to post-procedure care, make sure you discuss the planned pre-and post-op skincare routine with your surgeon before undergoing facial surgery or treatment. Using the right products with the correct ingredients at the right time will make a massive difference in how the skin recovers.